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Methodology: Only NeighborhoodScout gives you nationally comparable school ranks based on test scores, so you can directly compare the quality of schools in any location. Read more about Scout's School Data
Public Schools Overview | Hawaii School Districts by City |
Number Of Students | 173,178 |
Number Of Hawaii Schools | 295 |
Number Of Hawaii School Districts | 1 |
Spending Per Student | $18,562 |
Ethnic/Racial Groups | This State | Nation |
White (non-hispanic) | 13.8% | 48.1% |
Black | 1.7% | 15.8% |
Hispanic | 21.5% | 28.9% |
Asian Or Pacific Islander | 31.1% | 5.8% |
American Indian Or Native Of Alaska | 32.0% | 1.4% |
Special Needs Groups | This State | Nation |
Economically Disadvantaged | 47.2% | 48.1% |
English Language Learners | 9.6% | 10.0% |
Students With Disabilities | 11.6% | 14.9% |
Population | State | Nation |
Population | 1,440,196 | 333,287,557 |
Population Density (per sq. mile) | 221 | 93 |
Population distribution by age | STATE | NATION |
4 Years Old And Below | 5.8% | 5.7% |
5-19 Years Old | 17.3% | 19.1% |
20-44 Years Old | 33.1% | 33.4% |
45-64 Years Old | 24.5% | 25.3% |
65 Or Older | 19.3% | 16.5% |
Number Of Households | 483,906 | 120,158,879 |
Single Parent Households With Children | 6.7% | 8.3% |
Adults With At Least A High School Diploma | 92.7% | 89.1% |
Adults With At Least A Bachelor's Degree | 34.7% | 34.3% |
$150,000 or more | 27.6% | 20.2% |
$100,000 - $149,999 | 19.9% | 17.1% |
$75,000 - $99,999 | 13.0% | 12.8% |
$50,000 - $74,999 | 14.1% | 16.1% |
$30,000 - $49,999 | 11.2% | 14.4% |
$15,000 - $29,999 | 7.4% | 10.8% |
$15,000 or less | 6.9% | 8.7% |
For the State | Per Student | Total | % of Total |
Instructional Expenditures | $10,254 | $1,775,748,928 | 55.2% |
Support Expenditures | |||
Student | $1,796 | $311,109,184 | 9.7% |
Staff | $562 | $97,244,256 | 3.0% |
General Administration | $73 | $12,676,160 | 0.4% |
School Administration | $1,261 | $218,392,128 | 6.8% |
Operation | $1,716 | $297,165,408 | 9.2% |
Transportation | $323 | $55,956,192 | 1.7% |
Other | $544 | $94,165,760 | 2.9% |
Total Support | $6,275 | $1,086,709,088 | 33.8% |
Non-instructional Expenditures | $2,033 | $352,035,072 | 11.0% |
Total Expenditures | $18,562 | $3,214,493,088 | 100.0% |
For the Nation | Per Student | Total | % of Total |
Instructional Expenditures | $7,794 | $384,567,026,223 | 49.5% |
Support Expenditures | |||
Student | $841 | $41,500,431,613 | 5.3% |
Staff | $665 | $32,787,987,253 | 4.2% |
General Administration | $269 | $13,273,339,703 | 1.7% |
School Administration | $756 | $37,281,585,830 | 4.8% |
Operation | $1,191 | $58,747,506,944 | 7.6% |
Transportation | $504 | $24,858,475,672 | 3.2% |
Other | $491 | $24,247,526,162 | 3.1% |
Total Support | $4,716 | $232,696,768,378 | 29.9% |
Non-instructional Expenditures | $3,247 | $160,183,697,619 | 20.6% |
Total Expenditures | $15,757 | $777,446,989,564 | 100.0% |